COVID-19 Communication 3-4-2020
Dear Valued Customer:
As you are aware, the COVID-19 coronavirus has spread through Asia and western Europe quickly. We are now seeing the virus spread in communities throughout North America. I am certain we all share the same good thoughts for any one affected and hope vaccines and treatments prove effective as soon as possible.
Myers Emergency Power Systems is proud to be an American manufacturer and to provide the highest quality in our products. We are committed to producing solutions that solve our valuable customers’ requirements. We take pride in being able to provide you with custom products that exceed the market demands.
Currently, we are experiencing only minor disruptions in our supply chain with a few of our PO’s for components being pushed out from our supply base. However, these disruptions have not impacted our ability to serve customers. The reason for the push outs is more about a typical start up after Chinese New Year with labor shortages and not because the suppliers cannot obtain raw materials. To date, these delays have not affected our ability to provide our products and services.
Myers EPS typically stocks up before and after the holiday, so we are in a good position to continue to provide product to meet your needs while the labor is restored in China. Of course, no one can predict how this will change in the future. Please feel confident that we are examining and adjusting our supply chain where necessary.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will communicate as needed.
Thanks for your understanding.
John Daly
CEO, Myers Emergency Power Systems